Introduced in the Climatecafe Arnhem (Arpil 2019) Climatecafe Arnhem took place 6 July 2020 where the long term efficiency of climate adaptation measures (, Unique was the small set up due to Covid, but a high participation of Haskoning DHV, Deltares, municipality of Arnhem, applied universities of Rotterdam & Groningen and VHL, IHE Delft and Arnhem Klimaatbestendig,
Results: a high number of climate adaptation measures where mapped on and the unsaturated and saturated performance of raingardens and permeable pavement was tested (with full scale tests) which where implemented about 5 years ago. The results are compared to measurements taken some years ago,
The study used the FSIT method to measure surface infiltration rates of permeable pavements and raingardens. Previous studies suggest that a minimum of three different FSIT tests should be undertaken at the same pavement or raingarden location, and that the results should be averaged, to ensure appropriate infiltration rates are observed, recorded, and used in design.
The results in Arnhem should help stormwater managers with the designing, planning, and scheduling of maintenance requirements for permeable pavements with more confidence so that they will continue to perform satisfactorily over their intended design life.
Impression of testing and results:

Boogaard F., Ruben Roelofs, Erik Laurentzen, Infiltratiecapaciteit verharding verschilt in ruimte en tijd, Land en Water nr. 5 – mei 2021.
Ruben Roelofs, Floris Boogaard, Regenwatertuinen: Onderzoek innovatieve infiltratievoorzieningen Arnhem, Civiele techniek pg 22-26 nummer 1/2, februari 2021