Introduced in the masterclasses in Almere and Lelystad (March 2020) Climatecafe Almere took place in July 2020 where the long term efficiency of climate adaptation measures was tested that where previously mapped on, Unique was the small set up due to Covid, but still a high participation of national traineeship members from several universities around The Netherlands, Deltares, municipality of Almere and the applied universities of Rotterdam & Groningen and IHE Delft.
Results: a high number of climate adaptation measures where mapped on and the unsaturated and saturated performance of swales and permeable pavement was tested (with full scale tests) which where implemented about 12 years ago and testing took place 5 years before. The results are the backbone of a new maintenance program for the municipality of Almere that can be used on (inter)national scale for a better understanding of the required maintenance for a long term efficiency of Sustainable Urban Drainge Systems.
impression of the testing and results:

Boogaard F, Schilder S, Lekkerkerk J., Infiltratiecapaciteit wadi’s varieert in ruimte en tijd (Land en Water), nr 1/2- februari 2021
Boogaard F., Feringa K., Hof A., Kluck J., Floodfighting in Almere: Onderzoeksresultaten hydraulisch functioneren wadis en doorlatende verharding in Almere, h20, 2016.