Climatecafe 14-18 October 2019 Piura, Peru

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In collaboration with the University of Piura, Hanzehogeschool Groningen, The Dutch Water Authorities, Waterschap Noorderzijlvest, The Authoridad Nacional del Agua, Indymo and the Global Center on Adaptation, Climatecafe Peru will happen towards the ‘Expo de Agua 2019’ in Lima. During the Climatecafe, young professionals will go into the field to assess the current situation by measuring and mapping best management practices, heat stress, water quality, river flow, perceptions of inhabitants and more. With this, they will asses challenges and put them in future perspectives of climate change and other socio-economic development while practising with perspectives in a governance setting. Possible solutions may be presented during the Expo de Agua.

With this, adaptation is fun! We raise awareness of climate adaptation and make it visible with young professionals in the region. Not only participants, also the coordination is done by young professionals within the young leadership programme of the Global Center on Adaptation. Want to join? Sign up here!