Why ClimateCafé? Our urban and rural environment are becoming increasingly vulnerable for climate change and there is an urgent need to become more resilient.
What is ClimateCafé? ClimateCafé is a field education concept involving different fields of science and practice for capacity building in climate change adaptation. ClimateCafé involves the development of a set of measurement tools that can be applied in different areas in a low-cost low-tech approach with stakeholders and practitioners. ClimateCafé connects stakeholders, motivates action in a jointly formulated goal, such as taking climate action. The climatecafe method was tested in different areas around the globe.
ClimateCafe GroenBlauw is a weekly online event to share (inter)national knowledge about green and blue infrastructure: https://climatecafe.nl/news/
ClimateCafe Fieldeducation: over 50 episodes around the globe you can find here: https://climatecafe.nl/news/
Who are we? We are a global community powered by individual, corporate, and academic climate change influencers. This movement raises awareness and mentors capacity building on Climate Adaptation with open source tools such as www.climatescan.org and ClimateCafé events around the world.
Want to be a part of our community? Great! We connect you with excellent projects and people. Our community includes senior consultants, designers, developers, policy experts, community organizers, environmental scientists, journalists, activists, concerned citizens, and many more. We seek to educate and inspire tech and non-tech people alike. There is a lot to do, and no matter what you know, you can be part of the global solution.
Looking to collaborate with ClimateCafé? We partner with nonprofits, governments, and community advocates on technology projects. Please contact us with more information about your idea. Join us at www.climatescan.org or go to our contact page. The world needs you.